Free Workout Plans - Aerobic Exercises - It's Not Just Running Anymore!

Lets face it, unless you are one of those special people who just love to spend hours running or biking, getting enough aerobic exercise will require a little creativity and commitment. I do enjoy running but unfortunately my knees will not take constant running so I had to come up with other solutions. I divide my aerobic workouts between running, swimming, elliptical, jumping rope, rowing machine and kettlebells. (try a LIGHT kettlebell for 30-45 minutes and you will feel great!)
There are many benefits to aerobic exercise. We all know it will help you lose weight and improve your conditioning but did you know it will also help you:

 1. Stay healthy - Aerobic exercises helps boost your immune system which will help ward off germs.

2. Help with Chronic Illnesses - Helps improve high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Weight bearing aerobic exercises such as walking can also help with osteoporosis.

3. Keep arteries clear of plaque - Regular aerobic exercise helps raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol)

4. Makes your heart stronger - Aerobic conditioning will help your heart move your blood more efficiently. This means you don't need as many beats to do the same amount of work.

5. Improve your mood - Studies show that regular aerobic exercise can reduce tension and ease depression.

(I personally know the second to be true)

I personally try to do 30-45 minutes 3 days a week. Sometimes more sometimes less depending on what's going on. Personally I wouldn't recommend more than 1 hour 4 times a week unless you are training for a specific event. AND, I always recommend supplementing your cardio with some form of lifting.

Now that you know that it is good for you the question becomes, What do I do? If you are doing little or no aerobic conditioning my first tip is simple...Start Slow! Don't jump right into trying to run 5 miles. Start with quick walks and whenever you feel like you can start jogging. Even if it is just for a few minutes, jog for as far as you can and then walk to recover and keep doing it till you can jog the whole time. Remember aerobic conditioning occurs between 60% and 80% of your maximum heart rate so if your heart is beating TOO FAST then you actually have left aerobic conditioning and entered into anaerobic conditioning.

Now that you know you need to do it, the only thing left is to find something you love to do and do it. Try speed walking, jumping rope, aerobics, elliptical, swimming, stair climbers, bicycling, cross country skiing, skating or just go for a run.

Remember most aerobic activities involve repeated use of one joint or area of your body (runners = legs and knees). The best advice I can give you is switch it up often. Unless you are training for a marathon or something then you don't need to run 5 days a week. Mix it up with a swim or bike ride.

I lost over 25% body fat in a year without dieting. Tired of "doing the right things" and still not losing weight? Try to get started. Don't Worry it's not an ad, no sales gimmicks, just lots of Free exercise and weight loss tips.
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