Low Glycemic Index (GI) Diet Plan to Prevent the Highs and Lows of Glycemic Levels

There are a lot of diet plans out there with big claims, but for a diet to work, it needs to be flexible, realistic, simple, and never leave you hungry. If a diet is too complicated or restrictive you'll go back to your old ways sooner than later! So, if you've already tried everything and are looking for a practical solution to your health/weight problem, a Low GI diet plan might be the answer!
What Is The Low GI Diet Plan?

GI is an indicator of a food's ability to increase the sugar levels in blood. Foods with carbs that break down fast during digestion and release glucose immediately into the bloodstream tend to be high in GI. Whereas, the foods with carbs that break slowly and gradually, while releasing glucose into the bloodstream at a slower pace, tend to have a high glycemic index.

Thus, if the glycemic index of a particular food is high, your blood glucose will rise faster after consuming that particular food. So, a low GI diet plan refers to a diet that does not lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. High fiber, low sugar food items form the basis of this diet plan. Interestingly, this diet plan is not only fat-controlled, but delicious too!

What Are The Benefits?
  • A low GI diet plan can help you manage your diabetes better. It also reduces your risk for Type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and gallbladder disease.
  • It can help reduce your cholesterol levels, which in turn is good for the health of your heart.
  • If you need to lose a few extra pounds, a low gi diet plan can help you get to your goal weight and keep it off!
  • It will make you feel fuller and satisfied for a longer time.
  • Eating foods low in glycemic index will also improve your mood and provide you with increased energy to do your activities without getting cranky, tired or out of sorts.
A low gi diet plan can benefit you even if you aren't looking for the above mentioned benefits because it is always advisable to switch over to a healthy eating plan and PREVENT diseases from occurring.

5 Easy Tips To Make The Most Of The Low GI Diet Plan:
  1. Choose Grains Wisely - Make sure you choose grains in their least processed form. For instance, replace white and refined breads with whole-wheat, pumpernickel, or sourdough. Swap white rice for brown rice. Instead of eating processed breakfast cereals such as instant oatmeal and cornflakes, choose old fashioned oats which contain at least 4 grams of fiber per serving. Keep doughnuts and cookies as occasional treats only (there can't be a healthy substitute for everything!)

  2. Pair With Protein - Try combining protein with other food items you consume. Protein helps keep your hunger in check, but go for lean meats. Your best options for protein are lean meats, vegetables and dairy. You can also consider adding some healthy fats to your food (such as nuts, olive oil, seeds, nut butters) with an intention to eliminate saturated and trans fats.

  3. Fiber Up - Fiber is a part of plant foods that can't be digested, hence foods rich in fiber are naturally low in GI. A low GI diet plan must include fiber in generous quantities. When you focus on consuming foods that are naturally fiber-rich you won't have to think about GI or hunger because they're filling, good for digestion and low in GI inherently.

  4. Exercise Portion Control and Avoid Sugar - Portion control will allow you to enjoy all types of foods, even those with medium-high glycemic index, but occasionally. A trick you can adopt is to limit the "wrong foods" to small side dishes. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages at all costs, and drink no more than 1 cup of 100% fruit juice every day.

  5. Create a Food Journal - Prepare a list of all the carbs that you eat regularly and how many times you eat them in a week. Pasta, bread, rice, baked food, cereal etc., are rich in carbs. Analyze your eating pattern and limit the intake of carbs. Try consuming the good-carbs, the sources for which are soups, fruit juice, veggies, and beans.
Don't begin to think that the low gi diet plan will be a tasteless affair! There are plenty of great and filling foods that have a low gi.
Visit my Low GI Diet Plan website for more details.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sreeprakash_Neelakantan