Law of Attraction - How to Attract Your Ideal Weight

Are you someone who struggles to lose weight, loses weight only to regain it, or has lost most of the weight you want to lose but can't seem to lose those last few pounds? If you answered "yes" to any of the above, I have some very interesting and pleasing news for you.

Your weight is influenced far more by how you think and what you believe than by what, when and how much you eat, drink and exercise.

Now I know some of you will object to that statement, because you have seen with your own eyes what happens when you eat too much and don't exercise. But have you also noticed that there are those who eat more than you and exercise less, who also manage to maintain their ideal weight effortlessly?

The reason for this inconsistency is summed up in the following quote by Abraham.
"What you do is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important." ~ Abraham-Hicks
If you talk to "effortlessly slim" people you will find that they don't think about their weight much, if at all. You might think that they don't think about their weight because they don't have a problem, but in fact the opposite is true.
As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract. ~ Abraham Hicks
What this means for you is that if you are thinking and therefore feeling fat, fat is what you will attract.
So how do you stop feeling fat?

1. You get off the subject of weight altogether.

2. You never think of the subject of weight again, or you change the way you think about weight.
Here are some 5 quick tips for getting off the subject of weight.

1. Stop exercising to lose weight or burn calories and vow to exercise for pleasure only. You will be surprised to find that when you no longer feel that your "should" exercise it becomes enjoyable.

2. Stop counting calories.

3. Stop comparing your body to others. Every time you notice body shape, size, weight you are focusing on what you don't want. Stop it!

4. Look for opportunities to increase the self-esteem of others.

5. Make lists of all the things that are working in your life, or have worked in the past, and spend more time doing these things.

To learn more about changing the way you think about your weight and creating your Ideal Body using Law of Attraction visit
You can find more Law of Attraction Tips at my blog
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