Quick Fat Loss Tips

Body fat is necessary for your body to function, but a high amount of stored body fat can be very unhealthy. A high body fat percentage is also very unattractive. Getting down to a low body fat percentage creates an impressive physique. Reducing your body fat will increase the quality of your life and will reduce weight-related health problems.

5 Tips for Quick Fat Loss

1. Start a Weight Training Program. Working out with weights when trying to lose body fat has great benefits. First, a weight training session burns calories during the workout.

Second, a weight training program will elevate your metabolism for up to 35 hours after your actual workout. This is because after your workout, your metabolism has been stimulated where you are now burning more calories while you are doing nothing.

Third, a good weight training program will increase muscle mass, which will increase your resting metabolic rate because your body will require more energy for your increase in muscle mass.

2. Drink More Water. The average person who gets as much exercise as a fat lazy house cat is recommend to get around 10 glasses of 8 ounces a day. If you exercise, or just want to be healthy you should really try to take in a full gallon of water each day.

Our bodies are over 70% water. And you all know that you can go much longer without food than you can without water. Water helps flush out harmful toxins, as well as prime the body for fat loss. If your body is not taking in enough water, that water is used for other things, this will leave you bloated. And the way to get rid of the bloated look, is to drink enough water. Believe it or not, this will get rid of the excess water weight that bloats you and you will begin to burn body fat. One more tip to remember about proper hydration is that adequately hydrated muscles increase protein synthesis. This ultimately leads to more muscle and less fat.

3. Eat 6 Small Meals a Day. By eating six small meals, you can curb your hunger and keep your blood sugar at a stable level, if the food you are eating is nutritious. Eating small meals throughout the day will also increase your metabolism.

4. Cinnamon. Cinnamon decreases blood sugar. When your blood sugar is always spiking from the foods that you are eating, you will be more likely to gain weight or have a hard time losing the weight that you already have. Keeping your blood sugar levels balanced is an essential part of weight loss.

5. Rest. In order to reap the benefits from the intense exercise I recommend on Game Strength Insider, you must get adequate rest. I can't stress this fact enough. In fact, rest is just as important, if not more important that the actual exercise.

During the high intensity resistance exercises that my students perform, the muscles experience tiny tears. The body's response is to adapt and repair, getting stronger and larger muscles, which of course leads to burning more fat and a leaner body.

That's going to do it for this article. I hope you found these 5 quick fat loss tips to be beneficial and utilize the info.

Train hard!
-David McCready
David McCready is the founder of Game Strength Insider found at http://www.GameStrengthInsider.com He specializes in helping athletes and average Joes alike, gain long term lean muscle mass, strength and cardiovascular conditioning without gimmicks, supplements or fad dieting. © 2012 Game Strength Insider. All rights in all media reserved
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DJ_McCready

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