How to Tone Abs Without Exercise Equipment

Getting in shape does not necessitate any equipment or a trip to the gym, and many exercise routines can be done while multitasking. Try getting in a few sets of reps of these exercises while you are watching television or during commercial breaks, and you can have toned abs without exercise equipment.
Bicycle crunches tone abs and are easier for most people to perform than traditional crunches. Start by lying flat on the floor
and pressing your lower back to the ground. Bend your knees to a 90° angle, and hold your hands beside your head. Without straining your neck, lift one shoulder and elbow as far as comfortably possible. At the same time, contract your abs while bringing one knee up so your calf is parallel to the floor. Pretend to pedal a bicycle in the air while simultaneously bringing one elbow close to the opposite knee, alternating sides with each motion. Breathe out while pulling your knee in and inhale while extending it. Performing the air bike exercise is more effective at a slower pace and with perfect execution.

Bent-knee hip raises tone abs and are easy for most beginners. Start by lying flat on the floor with your knees bent at a 75°angle, and arms by your sides. Lift your feet off the floor about 2 inches while contracting your lower abs, maintaining the 75° angle. Continue this motion, breathing out while lifting your hips off the floor and rolling your pelvis. Breathe out as your movement ends with your knees over your chest. While holding in this position, squeeze your abs for a second. As you breathe in and maintain control over your motion, lower your legs. Add ankle weights or straighten your legs to increase the difficulty of this exercise as you become stronger.

Butt-ups or bridge exercises tone your abs and are a good beginning exercise to build your strength and tone up. The starting position is like for a pushup, except your elbows are on the ground, and your weight is resting on your forearms, bent at a 90° angle. While exhaling, slightly arch your back out while raising your glutes up, squeezing your abs tightly as if you were trying to pull your ribcage towards your hips. The end position is with your butt high in the air like a bridge. Lower your back slowly as you breathe in without allowing your back to sag down.

Cross-body crunches are easier to perform than traditional crunches but still effectively tone your abs. Start on your back with your knees at a 60° angle, feet flat on the floor, and hands behind your head. While bringing your right shoulder and elbow across your body, curl up and bring your elbow toward your knee, trying to touch it. Focus on bringing your shoulder, not just your elbow, toward the knee, while exhaling and contracting your abs lower to the starting position as you inhale. You can either alternate sides within each rep, or do all your reps on one side and then switch sides.

Modified crunches with your hands over your head is a variation of crunches that can be made more challenging by holding something such as a weight plate in your hands. Start with your back flat against the floor, knees bent at a 60° angle, and feet flat on the floor. Stretch your arms above your head with your hands crossed as if you were ready to dive into the pool. While exhaling, curl your body and contract your abs as you move your shoulder blades off the floor a little. Keep your arms aligned with your head and shoulders during the entire movement. Inhale as you lower to the starting position.

By adding these exercises a few times a week, you could tone abs without exercise equipment in a few weeks. You can do this by spending just a few minutes and without breaking out into a sweat. Then you will be ready to add more difficult routines to your regimen.

For advice on health and fitness, visit Weight Training Tips to learn about all aspects of weight training and nutrition to include the best bodybuilding supplements.
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