The Role of Antioxidants in Weight Loss

You probably know which foods stick to your hips like paper to glue, if you merely eyeball them from across the room. But do you know which foods will actually help you to lose weight and regenerate your overall health? One word: Antioxidants.
Antioxidants are a compound substance of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. This substance inhibits [by slowing or preventing] the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a natural reactionary process, and in mammals, causes chronic or permanent damage by reducing electrons until expiration
of the mammal. Oxidation promotes free radicals. Free radicals are atoms and molecules containing unpaired electrons, and are highly reactive. Free radicals are dangerous, as they float through the body, stealing the missing electron from other sources. If the source of the electron is a healthy cell, the cell can mutate. Free radicals are what cause aging, cancer and neurodegeneration. Antioxidants target, attack and rid the human body of free radicals, and improve or heighten metabolism and overall general health. Antioxidants contain an extra electron and provide free radicals with the absent electron, thereby neutralizing free radicals.

The brain indeed regulates free radicals and thus, is a key factor in appetite. The human brain utilizes fat as fuel within its appetite center, using oxygen free radicals as its primary source. This suggests that antioxidants could very well play a major role in weight control and appetite suppression.

However, the window period of introducing antioxidants into the body is critical to its potency as an appetite suppressant and vital regenerative nutrients. Antioxidants processed before the stomach is 60% full, may lead to and increase of appetite.

Recent studies indicate that, once a body has achieved a state of satiety after eating, the body may be subjecting itself to an onslaught of free radicals which are most formed when brain cells promoting satiety are most active. This production of free radicals cause the decrease of one's maximum lifespan. The constant control of appetite is regulated by free radicals and, perhaps, if interfered with, might affect appetite control and sation.

Although free radicals are produced within our bodies, due to physical activities (such as exercise) and when our immune system is fighting a virus, we are exposed to various sources of free radicals by many different ways. Ultra-violent rays from the sun, ozone, X-rays or artificial light are all contributing factors to exposure. Mainly, though, it is what we consume that is most damaging.

Saturated fats, cigarette smoke, alcohol or the air's pollutants and chemicals are the daily exposures to free radicals.

During weight-loss, oxidation occurs at an extraordinary rate. This is because when one is losing the stored fat, your body is then releasing the toxins stored in the fat. Once this occurs, your liver must work overtime in order to purify the system. Although your body naturally produces antioxidants, it is often an inadequate amount to combat the amount of free radicals ravaging healthy cells. Luckily, antioxidants can be obtained via supplements and food.

Not only do antioxidants terminate free radicals, but also boost your metabolism. Your metabolism is accelerated, due to the antioxidants optimizing your total health and longevity. With a healthy immune system in tact, your metabolism will accelerate. An heightened metabolism allows your body to burn more calories during the course of the day. Antioxidants provide your body an optimal support system of nutrients, which will enable your body to be energized and burn stored fat more successfully throughout the duration of the day and even during the night, when your body is burning the least amount of calories due to sleep-state.

Antioxidants are easily obtained through various foods containing antioxidants in its natural state. You don't need to spend a fortune on some powder containing an ultimate dose of antioxidants.

Rather, all you need do is eat a variety of foods which are powerhouses of antioxidants. And these variety of foods just so happened to be absolutely delicious!

Berries are nature's candy - and loaded in antioxidants. Blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries - You name it, they're packed full of antioxidants. Also, currents, prunes and raisins!

Many nuts and seeds also contain antioxidants and have that satisfying crunch that we so crave. Don't forget unsweetened cocoa! If you are having a sweet-tooth fix, then be sure it is a chocolately-good treat packed with antioxidants. When you aren't eating berries, nuts and seeds (and yummy chocolate), you might want to drink from the fountain of youth: Green Tea! Yes, even green tea is loaded in antioxidants. White tea, as well. In all foods you choose, look for keywords such as Flavonoid, Polyphenols, EGCG, Catechin, and Phytonutrient. These words indicate a high content of antioxidants.

Generously supplying your body with foods rich in antioxidants will not only benefit your cravings for mouth-watering dishes, but will also impact your metabolism to an extraordinary degree and help you fight fat, aging and illness!

Have more weight loss questions? Check out lake mary weight loss clinic for additional information on medical weightless options and treatments. Whether you have questions about nutrition and exercise or what to expect in the coming weeks, they are there to help you every step of the way! Call them directly at (407) 804-5200 or visit them at:
Svelte Medical Weight Loss Clinic - Lake Mary
580 Rinehart Road
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Also check out their blog weight loss center [] for tips and secrets.
Article Source:,_M.D.