Is It Hard to Lose Weight When You Are Over 50?

When I started my quest to gain my health back... and decided to make some lifestyle changes... I never really thought about how old I was. I was 56 at the time. But many times your age could be a big stumbling block to any goal you are trying to accomplish.
When setting out to accomplish any goal, many of us ponder, "Is this something I can Do? We set out to think about what the "roadblocks" might be. The reasons why we may not be able to do this.

Certainly a common excuse is "I'm too old". Wow, that one covers a multitude of areas! Then there are a few others that make it into the mix... This will be hard, I'm not smart enough, I can't afford it, I don't know what to do, and the list goes on and on.

When we start to realize that all of these things are just thought or beliefs... and have absolutely no basis in reality... we can now decide to take back our power. The magic that happens when you take your power back is really miraculous! You see a belief is just a thought that we took on as a truth and it sticks around until we decide to choose another belief.

Our sub-conscious mind holds many thoughts, beliefs, and habits. Now this is usually a good thing.

This way we don't have to concentrate every time we need to do a simple task. We don't need to really "think" about it. Take for example driving to work. We pretty much just drive and the route we take is etched in our memory, so no need to think very hard about which way to go. But, on the other hand, if we are in a new place where we have never been before, we need to go slower, watch for an upcoming turn, and sometimes turn around when we missed that turn, follow a map, and are really on high alert as to what we have to do next.

If we had to do that every time we did simple tasks, life would be very overwhelming and we would not be able to accomplish much. But on the other hand, there are also some habits down there, that we do every day that may not be serving us any longer. We just keep doing things over and over, without really thinking about it. This is where the problems come in. So when we want to make a change, our sub-conscious mind fights us...

When getting my health back, I needed to change many things that I had been doing by habit. Do you eat a sugary snack every evening after dinner while watching TV? When I realized this was what I was doing, I had to change my pattern. At first I got a little resistance and felt uncomfortable, or the feeling I was missing something... but I just asked myself, Do I really want this? or has it just become a habit? It is much easier to let a habit go that is no longer serving you, if you think before you act.

I created a new habit that was suited for what I wanted to accomplish! I now would choose some fruit or nuts as a little evening snack, and that made a BIG difference! Then I was able to do that with other habits... now my new habits have taken hold.

This has really been life changing and you can do this too! NO! It is not hard to lose weight after 50.
With what I learned about how our bodies work and how and why our bodies store fat, it all became Easy! I have now been able to get my body and mind working with me, instead of against me... I have not starved, I eat delicious healthy food, I have become more active than I even was in my 30's!
To your good health!


Click the link to get my "Free List" of powerful resources that I used from to help me lose 71 pounds in 7 months. These 4 basic items made it so much easier for me to have success with my health and weight loss. ( And NO, it is not exercise equipment) Click this link:
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