How Exercise Helps You Live Longer

Exercise and being in shape can lead to a longer life is something that everyone knows, but how exactly? There are many systems in the body that are impacted when you exercise such as the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the lymphatic system, the reproductive system, the muscular system, the nervous system and the skeletal system.
The first system that is usually affected is the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system has
to do with your heart and how blood travels to and from your heart. When you exercise, your heart starts to beat faster so that blood can go to your heart in a quicker and stronger way. Your veins and arteries start to flow more blood to and from your heart and your heart starts to engorge with more blood. This helps to strengthen the quality of your blood, your veins and the various chambers and ventricles of your heart. Exercise also helps to clear out blocked pathways which lead to and from the heart which can lead to clogged arteries which can then lead to strokes or heart attacks is there are not clear pathway for blood to travel from the heart.

The next system that is affected is the respiratory system which has to do with breathing and your lungs. The respiratory system is the only system in the body that you can consciously control. You can slow your breathing down or you can speed it up. When you control your breathing patterns you also control your emotional and mental state. That is why breath control is such an integral part in many exercise modalities such as pilates, gyrotonic, yoga or lifting weights.

The next system in the body it control is your endocrine system which regulates your hormones. Your hormones have to do with how much you gain or lose weight, your temperature, your mood and your energy level. When this system is functioning at an optimal level you feel full of energy and have a good body-mass index. When it is out of balance you gain weight easily, you feel sluggish or in a bad mood.

The next system in the body that exercise affects is your skeletal system. When your muscles are strong it helps to support your bones or your skeletal structure. When your muscles are weak then they can not properly support your bones and you are more likely to break or fracture your bones. As people get older, they are more likely to fall and one of the bones they break the most is the most is their tailbone since there are less muscles around that area as you get older.

Amy Backer teaches fitness, pilates, strength training classes in the Philadelphia Metro Area.
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